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 Zombie fight

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matilda IV

matilda IV

Number of posts : 27
Age : 29
Registration date : 2016-10-09

Zombie fight Empty
PostSubject: Zombie fight   Zombie fight EmptySat Oct 15, 2016 4:11 am

The rising sun pushed its crimson edge over the horizon and sent long shadows on the paved streets of Malton. A cool wind swept through the corpse riddled streets. Born among black, high walls that enclosed the city, south the wind blew through half destroyed buildings that would eventually be repaired. The wind howled as it pasted over Darvall Heights where a once fierce battle raged between men and their dead. The stench of rotting corpses had all but faded by the time the wind reached a large guard tower. It whipped around top of the tower where two figures seemed to be circling.

Stepping to the side, Matilda shivered at the winds cold caress and her fingers flexed on the long metal helve of the fire-axe she held. Long, voluptuous black hair flicked with the wind. She hardly noticed the stench that hung in the air, she was working hard to keep her mind on the man that she shared the tower with. The roof of the tower was 10 paces wide enclosed by a chest high, sheet metal wall. It was big enough not to be crowded unless shared with a zombie. Young as she was, Matilda was large for a woman, but the zombie stood taller still and heavily plated in muscle. The wound at her side had begun to burn. The zombie stumbled sluggishly around the tower, with members of its body hanging by loose threads of skin and cloth. Repositioning the axe to defend her body, she danced on the balls of her feet, circling the zombie. Once. Twice. Three times. Her movements becoming slower, she would have to finish this quickly.

Abruptly, the zombie threw itself at her, its gnarled fingers reaching for her with sudden hunger as if it had not eaten in weeks. Sidestepping, Matilda swung the axe where she had been a moment ago. The sounds of cracking bone announced the swing had hit true and was followed closely by two thuds. Turning to face the zombie that now lay thrashing face down on the green floor of the tower, blood seeping out where its leg should have been. Matilda took the axe in both hands and raised it above her head and let the blow fall, threatening to separate the head of the zombie from its body. With a sudden burst of energy, the former man lurched his decaying body at Matilda’s feet. In a moment of shock, when the sound of metal clashing against metal rang in the air, Matilda fell backwards and the axe was torn from her grip by the force of the blow.

Hitting the ground with a thud she felt the air get knocked out of her. Pain and fear shot through her as she tried to scream but was greeted only with silence. Trying desperately to breath, rending hands clawed at her face. Shielding herself with her own arms, Matilda felt the zombie gnawing at her blood strained leather jacket. Letting up one arm, Matilda pried free her belt knife and began stabbing wildly at near the gnawing in her jacket. Abruptly, all movement ceased. She let her bloodied arms fall to her side and greedily sucking air through her mouth.

I can't decide how this should end. Give it a go? Smile
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Gong Li

Gong Li

Number of posts : 1461
Age : 58
Registration date : 2014-11-11

Zombie fight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombie fight   Zombie fight EmptySat Oct 15, 2016 10:03 am

I like it!  Zombie fight 871985367

I think it just depends on whether you want Matilda to live or not.  ^_^  

[I know, big help!]   Zombie fight 4032743786
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matilda IV

matilda IV

Number of posts : 27
Age : 29
Registration date : 2016-10-09

Zombie fight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombie fight   Zombie fight EmptySun Oct 16, 2016 5:35 am

Im not too fussed.

I was going to make the end with her closing her watching the sunset and bleeding out.
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